A baby is born from a woman in a coma

Today I bring you news of those that leave us with mixed feelings. A woman who is in an irreversible coma has given birth to a baby of 760 grams of weight, which was born strongly, making itself heard crying a lot, in the Hospital Santa Ana de Turin (Italy).

Little Edil, the same name as her mother, was born prematurely at 28 weeks gestation after doctors decided to perform a cesarean section due to a marked worsening of the conditions she was in.

During pregnancy, the woman was in a coma, but the fetus developed normally, despite the mother's situation. Now, the baby is in the ICU of neonates, like all premature children, and it is expected to see its evolution in the next few days, although at the moment there is talk of an "encouraging" situation.

On the one hand, you can imagine the joy of the family to know that the little girl will possibly get ahead, although on the other hand the bitter face of the news reminds us that lmother has been in an irreversible coma since July and now doctors must decide on their situation.

A few months ago we talked about the case of Maria, another woman who had died but her baby had been saved, and she had saved many other lives by donating her organs.

Edil's case is not the only one in Italy during the last years, since last May he was born at 33 weeks of gestation Gaia, a little girl whose mother had been in a coma for four months.

Exciting stories because they realize the miracle of life that makes its way through difficulties, even with babies born to mothers in a coma. We wish little Edil a speedy recovery with her family, who will surely draw strength to ease the sadness over the mother's situation.

Video: Woman in 14-year coma gives birth (July 2024).