She gives birth to twins without knowing she was pregnant, and after having gone to the doctor five times

It is hard to believe that a woman does not know she is pregnant, but cases are more common than we think. But even more incredible is that I went to the doctor five times for pain in the abdomen and back and that none of the times they have performed a pregnancy test.

Carolina, a 38-year-old woman from Malaga who suffers from morbid obesity, had been told that she could not get pregnant. Therefore, when he went to the emergency room and the health center he was diagnosed with low back pain and a lump of fat, but what the woman had was a pregnancy of twins. On his last visit they discovered it because the woman had already gone into labor.

The first visit to the doctor was in June, when the woman told her family doctor that she had gained weight, her period had been removed and she had leg pain. But none of them had a possible pregnancy crossed his head.

On the next emergency visit due to severe pain in the abdomen and swelling in the legs, she was diagnosed with venous insufficiency and low back pain, "and sent home without a test," says Gonzalo, her husband.

The same diagnosis was given in the other three visits, in addition to telling him that he had a "fat lump" in the lower abdomen. The woman begged crying to have an analysis and ended up doing it, but did not have time to look for the results because she was put before delivery.

A delivery by surprise

He went to the emergency room with a lot of pain and after examining it, they detected a lump in the pubic hair area. He had several tests, including pregnancy, for the first time. The result was positive.

The surprise of the woman and that of her husband was capital, since they had assumed that she could not get pregnant because of her obesity. But shock He went further knowing that she had dilated and that her babies were about to be born.

They performed an emergency caesarean section in which two girls were born which weighed 2,434 and 2,160 grams. The girls are in perfect condition and the mother admitted to the ICU since, according to the family lawyer, she suffered a clot in the head, among other complications derived from cesarean delivery.

The family has already filed a complaint for possible medical negligence against the doctors who attended it, against the Clinic (the hospital where they attended) and against the Andalusian Health Service. They ask that an investigation be opened to clarify the facts. Meanwhile, babies expect their mother, who is developing favorably, to recover fully and be able to return home.

Video: This Woman Gave Birth To IVF Baby and Twins At The Same Time (July 2024).