The good cop and the bad cop

He good cop and bad cop it is the situation that occurs in homes in which one of the family members chooses an authoritarian role and the other a permissive one. This type of situation is not recommended because in the end what can happen is that the children learn to negotiate to be immune to the bad cop taking refuge in the good cop. And is that phrases like: "leave him, do not be heavy", "nothing happens because today do not bathe" or "do not listen to dad / mom" make children have no clear references and lose the sense of that home schooling is a matter of two.

And is that the excess authoritarianism is just as bad as excess permissiveness and the ideal is to choose a middle term within the home. The correct balance means that when you have to say no, you have to be able to say no and also observe that it is fulfilled and that when you have to release the rope a little, release it and observe what happens. Although as we have commented, we must not be friends with our children and the objective is to ensure that they respect us and trust our criteria while contributing to their acquisition.

One of the objectives of education is to get children to acquire and internalize habits and routines so that parents have to work with consistency, persevere and above all not limit the authority between us.

If only one of the parents or guardians is in charge of striving while the other does not perform or places the same emphasis, a scenario appears in which the child can evolve as a badly raised child, in addition he will think that one of the parents is a heavy and grumpy and Of course you will always choose the option that interests you most. Therefore parents have to talk, always in the absence of the child, when it is necessary to reach dialogue, consensus and agreement.

The challenge in homes is to create an environment of dialogue, in which there is a reasonable use of authority and in which the child gets recognition, attention and affection.

Video: Ice Cube - Good Cop Bad Cop Official Video (July 2024).