A baby in exchange for a TV

The normal thing, or what decent people think, is to think that the life of a child is priceless, that having taken it nine months inside establishes an inseparable bond and that we wish the best for him. But there are people who have children like who has plants (or not even) and do not mind giving them as if they were a simple exchange merchandise.

I have read a shocking news about some young couples from a town in Misiones, a province in northeastern Argentina (precisely where the Iguazu Falls are located, one of the best known tourist sites in the country) that they sell their babies in exchange for appliances like a TV, a refrigerator or four chairs and a handful of money.

OK, many will say that they are ignorant people, without any education, but more than education this is a matter of instinct and morals. For more needs you have, never consider giving up a child in exchange for a TV.

Some unscrupulous contact couples before becoming pregnant to conceive and sell their child at birth promising a couple of goodies. That is, that creature will be born exclusively to be delivered by mercenary parents without even worrying about their child's destiny.

The sad thing is that this type of irregularities happens in many parts of the world where the life of a baby is worth nothing, we have already seen the case of China. It is a shame that in a country like Argentina, my country, with the natural wealth that this type of thing happens. I do not justify the parents (for God's sake!) But I believe that substantive solutions must be found.

Video: Newborn Baby Exchange In Koti Maternity Hospital Creates Sensation - Express TV (July 2024).