The ten funniest situations you can find when your children are not

It seems incredible how quickly certain acts become habits. When I look back and see how complicated and difficult it seemed all the first months I can not help smiling when I see myself today and I realize how much I can miss a good night kiss or not find a toy lost by the sofa, yes, I know it may seem weird, but even that is missing when the kids are not around us.

The first months, it seems that your life will always be accompanied by that little, or small, that you will always do the same every day (yes, I have come to think more than once). And suddenly one day you feel strange crossing the street if it is not through the zebra crossing or with the red light. These are the ten funny situations that you can find when your children are not there.

Shake hands with nothing

You are on your way to the supermarket or just wandering aimlessly, stop at a traffic light to cross the street and when it turns green you realize that you have been feeling for a few seconds looking for one of those little hands that you like to feel so much. That if there is luck and there is no autumn child around there to take the hand to cross and both parents we get a good scare.

Feeling strange if I don't cross a zebra crossing or don't wait for it to turn green

I have to admit that going to a zebra crossing to cross or wait for the traffic light to turn green to do so is something I didn't usually do before being a father. But after five years of putting all the senses at the time of crossing, to repeat by active and passive all the necessary steps to cross the street, it is today that I feel strange when crossing in red or through the middle of the avenue.

Keep listening to the CD with your music

More than once we have arrived from somewhere listening to the CD with children's music, the next morning I take the car to go to work and after several songs I realize that I am listening "I am a cup, a teapot ..." And of course , it's too late, because you already have the song in your head the rest of the morning.

Notice the silence, go check that they are not bundling any of theirs to realize that ... they are not

It is not something that has happened to me very often, because generally if they are not at home I take the opportunity to do "quietly" everything I cannot do if they are, such as sleeping.

Dodge shop windows

The first thing that one learns when going for a walk with their children, is to dodge the conflicting points, and the windows of the toy stores and pet shops are a very, very conflicting point, we have calculated the routes to go from back and forth in the neighborhood without passing in front of any. Of course, my children already know the trick and know where to go to go through all.

Keep your games alive

Do you remember the Tamagochis? Very funny for a couple of days, but a real torture from the room. Well, today there are very similar games, but above all, much more complex that require to be aware of them almost daily. And of course, where are these games installed? Well there you are, pending that everything remains in order the next time he starts playing.

Keep making food for them

Here we should talk about several things. It has happened to me to put in the car cereals for the bottle when it had been more than a week since they had stopped taking them and I realized when I went to pay that I no longer needed them. Also, once their grandparents have come and taken them with them to dinner, I have realized that I have prepared dinner for four as if it were a normal night. When is this over? Well, I guess like the rest of you, when I visit my mother I always have my favorite dish prepared.

"Look, a train" when I go alone in the car

Whenever we go in the car and pass by the train tracks we are all waiting to see who will be the first to see a train. Well, when I go alone in the car or with my partner the same thing happens to us, yes, the laughs we spend are worth it.

Buy too much and realize that it is not the same to go without a shopping cart

As my children have been walking alone for years, I had almost forgotten and it does not usually happen to me, but I remember the times I went shopping and did not carry the car and I found a couple of bags loaded to the top and a long walk home . It seems a lie that makes life as simple as being able to hang the handlebar bag from the cart. My advice is that the first accessory for the car is a large carabiner, you will thank me.

Be shopping and turn around to see where they are

So much time going shopping with them that it is already customary for me to be shopping with one eye on the back of my neck or watching all the time through the corner of my eye to see where they are and what they will be doing, until you realize that you are alone and that You can buy quietly without having to be looking for any of the little ones in the middle of the rows of clothes or having to run around the store on a limp foot because one of them has decided to relocate the shoes from the shelf that is just in the corner opposite the one you are It seems impossible, but shopping without children is a wonderful experience.

Miss them

At any time, even in the worst days, one does not stop missing those crazy little ones.

Video: The Stupidest Names On Earth Normal, Celebrity & Youtube Names (July 2024).