Child environmental health

The definition of the child environmental health studies the impact of the environment, specifically the pollutants that are present in it and that directly or indirectly affect the health of children and members of the family unit.

The environment affects children more strongly than the elders and the explanation for this is very clear, a child's organism is still under development and its physiological and metabolic systems are immature (smaller , more immaturity). A child who is exposed to the different pollutants present in the water, in the air, etc., has less protection and more risks of illness. These types of environmental risks affect children since they are inside their mother, when they are still fetuses.

Each stage of the development of a child presents different environmental risks, the truth is that the child is exposed to hundreds of constant and daily hazards, from when he wakes up in the morning until he lies down he is exposed to all types of harmful pollutants for his health, the saddest thing is that we ourselves are to blame for it. The pollution of the city can cause respiratory problems, radiation, mercury, CO2, pesticides, etc. Even in our own homes hundreds of chemical and harmful components are present in, for example, cleaning products, in short, serious and real dangers.

In the past, children's environmental health was not taken into account as it is today, many studies have shown the relationship between the environment and the health of children. We may not be able to avoid this situation of environmental danger, but we can reduce it as much as possible.

We have read an interesting article in Intramed where they provide information on environmental health courses aimed at health personnel in Argentina, and briefly explain how and why of the courses. This makes us think that it would be interesting that similar courses were given to the parents of the children, it is important and interesting that the necessary awareness of the problems that exist in the environment be acquired and give some of the keys that could mitigate to some extent A little bit the problem.

Prevention during childhood will prevent our children from having some problems in adulthood. In Spain we have been able to know some courses aimed at parents regarding different fields, but with respect to children's environmental health no. Anyway, through the network we can know how to act against some risks and the most appropriate measures to be taken through the different organizations that ensure the health of the population in general.

Video: The Importance of Studying Children's Environmental Health (July 2024).