Dads and Moms Blogs (XCIII)

Another Tuesday we invite you to join us through the blogosphere to see what the moms and dads blogs that we are among the fathers and mothers of cyberspace, a journey through other perspectives and experiences with babies and children.

Azucena Alfonsín is full-time mother, long-time journalist, and write on the blog Mother apprentice, where I could read an interesting reflection on Solidarity Men. Do fathers help mothers in caring for children by solidarity, by obligation, by vocation ...?

Surely you all know Armando, aka Armandilio in his personal blog The world of Armandilio. These days he has told us about Neomachism and the cradle Sleep with Me from Nenuco. It is a reaction to Beatriz Gimeno's comment where Armando defends the school and it is understood that a mother takes care of a baby because she is a macho (or a Neomachist). Of course, he offers all his explanations in the post.

Today we bring the blog of another dad, Fulanito's dad, who in his blog M'ijo, the Fulanito, from Mexico, tells us his family adventures. We can read the Chronicle of a bad night not announced. Does this situation sound to you?

Pamela is 100% mom in Chile, a full-time mom of a boy and a girl, and she is also 19 weeks pregnant, waiting for another boy. In his last entry he tells us that it has not been easy weeks, this pregnancy has been more tired and different from the previous two.

Nicolas's mom from Mexico he gives us his reflections on the everyday things we live and all the lessons he has. In his last entry he tells us the adventures of a fabulous family weekend.

A newbie mom (How to be a good mother and not die trying) is the blog of Inés, a working mom. Lately he tells us about the lack of sensitivity of some professionals when it comes to transmitting information about pregnancy, and that it can affect insecure or fearful parents.

Finally, we stop at the blog Modern mom (How to be a mom… and survive in the attempt). The author, in Mexico, is mother of two treasures that teach her something new every day and that motivate her to be better every day. In one of his last posts we have been able to read about moms getting fit, how the body changes after being a mother and what it costs us to get back on track.

Hopefully this review has been interesting for you. Next week we will continue visiting Dads and moms blogs to offer you a compilation of what most attracts our attention in the blogosphere dedicated to the little ones in the house.

Video: JACK SUICIDAL, AKU DEPRESSED! DEATH & JACK'S NEW DOG? Samurai Jack XCIII Episode 2 ReviewDiscussion (July 2024).