Emotional Intelligence in children

Most of our decisions are tinged by our emotions. If we think for a moment, what moves us to buy a dog, a house or what makes us choose a friend or a couple? The answer to this and other questions is the Emotional Intelligence, a skill that allows us to know and manage our own feelings, interpret or face the feelings of others, feel satisfied and be effective in life, while creating mental habits that favor our own productivity.

But Emotional Intelligence does not refer exclusively to emotions, but to how to integrate these with cognitions and acts. The idea is put intelligence to emotions.

The American expert in children's therapies Lawrence E. Shapiro in his book "The emotional intelligence of children" highlights the need to strengthen certain emotional abilities in children. Children do not always spontaneously develop the emotional qualities and social capacities that will make them responsible, appreciated and happy adults tomorrow. Emotional Intelligence, like all behavior is transmitted from parents to children, especially from the models that the child is created.

Parents who show tenderness and love have very positive effects on their children. Cognitively, these will be more effective students, with greater concentration and with less emotional interference. On the social level, they will make a better impression and be more skilled at relating.

It is highly recommended that parents play a lot with their children without using those moments to give them instructions, but to make them shared moments, free of judgments and pressures.

We should not ignore the feelings of our son, thinking that his problems are trivial and absurd. We must try to realize their feelings, and give them alternative emotional solutions. Never underestimate the child's feelings (for example, forbidding him to get angry, be severe if they get irritated ...)

We must know and accept the individualities of our children, so that we can recognize the weaknesses and strengths that each one possesses.

Our mission is also to teach you to establish friendships and keep them, to work in a group, to respect the rights of others, to motivate yourself when things get difficult, to tolerate frustrations and learn from them, overcome negative feelings such as anger and anger. resentment, have high self-esteem, manage emotions and learn to express feelings properly.

Emotions are subjective affective states and we must try to improve and increase in our child the emotional coefficient, so that they are happier and more successful people in life.

Video: 6 tips to help your children control their emotions. UCLA Healthy Living Tips (July 2024).