Hip dysplasia

The hip dysplasia It is an anomaly that occurs in the hip joint, this occurs when the head of the bone of the femur and the cavity of the pelvis where it is lodged do not fit correctly.

It is usually the neonatologist who realizes this anomaly, since all the newborns are practiced the Ortolani and Barlow maneuvers, these maneuvers consist of a series of movements that flex and gently open the child's legs to check If the joint is correct or has an abnormal shape.

These maneuvers do not always detect the hip dysplasia, for greater safety, an ultrasound of the hips is performed, as it shows the anomalies, however slight they may be. It is important that it can be identified and resolved after the birth of the child since when it begins to take its first steps, the body will not be perfectly supported resulting in possible bone injuries and even an asymmetry between the two legs.

Diagnosis of hip dysplasia

He early diagnosis of hip dysplasia It is very important and even more so if there is a possible family history.

Curing this anomaly is not difficult, you should try to keep the head of the femur in place for a certain period of time, giving the bone time to develop and adapt to the right place for him. Depending on the type of dysplasia, mild, medium or severe, certain types of prostheses that usually solve the problem are usually used.

Adequate prevention is necessary and will avoid problems in the future, whatever the aspect of such prevention.

Video: Understanding Hip Dysplasia. Boston Children's Hospital (July 2024).