Speech disorders: dyslalia (I)

On many occasions, when our little son says "toche" instead of "car" or "fire" instead of "fire", we find it funny; but we have to pay attention that these errors do not extend excessively in time. Dyslalia is one of the speech disorders which occurs most frequently and is among those with a more favorable prognosis. Generally, dyslalia is not particularly serious, and the results of speech therapy re-education are very good.

However, if adequate early treatment is not performed, the consequences cannot be entirely good. These negative results will influence in a special way the personality of the child and his social adaptation, as well as his scholastic performance, since the frustrations that can create in the child influence on an emotional and intellectual level.

These difficulties of articulating the sounds are not a serious problem, as it has been said, but they must be taken into account since if the equivocal processes of defective pronunciation are established for a long time, the error can persist and become part of the he speaks daily of the child, becoming a reflection in the future also in writing, thereby increasing linguistic difficulties.

Frequently, when the child is between three and four years of age, the parents warn that they do not speak the same as the rest of their age children or that they do it differently than they should.

It is very important a correct and early intervention of dyslalia, since not only will the linguistic area be affected, but its affective development will also be affected (let's not forget that children are curious by nature, and before a speech different from yours they will have no qualms about letting everyone know). In addition, as stated above, if the problems remain during the acquisition of reading and writing, it will also be harmed.

Therefore, during this week, we will see in more detail different aspects of this speech disorder called dyslalia (causes, classification, characteristics ...), a pathology that is probably why more mothers and fathers go to the speech therapy consultation.

Video: Articulation Disorder (July 2024).