Pep Torres del miba, "the innate talent of children and their creativity generated more than 400 brilliant proposals in a month"

In Peques and Más we bring you a interview with Pep Torres. Pep has more than 20 years of experience in the creative and invention world. He has participated as an international jury of prestigious innovation fairs such as Inpex in Pittsburgh, Inova in Zagreb, Euro Invent in Romania or British Invention Show in London. Since 2005 he directs the recognized invention and creativity study, Stereonoise S.L., a company that is dedicated to the design of new products, creative consulting and to generate “media noise” for its clients using creativity in the broadest sense of the word. His inventions and creative proposals have appeared in the media worldwide (The Wall Street Journal, Time Magazine, The New York Times, among others) and in 2006 he was awarded the Premi Ciutat de Barcelona in the Multimedia section for his presentation "Futour, a futur pel tour".

Among his most brilliant ideas highlights the Vending machine attached to an exercise bike. The idea arose in response to the campaign to combat childhood obesity and that is to get the product you have to pedal beforehand the time corresponding to the calories it provides. The prestigious Time Magazine publication recognized it as one of the 50 best inventions of 2009.

In March 2011 founded the miba, Museu d'Idees i Invents de Barcelona. The first permanent space focused on the world of ideas and invention that builds creativity and innovation through inspiration, training, communication and relationship with the protagonists at all levels. In miba, as we mentioned in Peques and More recently, they have created an initiative to harness children's creativity and their ability to generate ideas organizing a contest that allows children to patent their ideas.

How the miniMIBA initiative came about

The minimiba invention contest was born as a family activity not directed with the objective that the little ones would spend some time creating. Soon we confirmed what we imagined: the innate talent of children and their creativity. More than 400 proposals with brilliant ideas in a month. It is at this time, and in accordance with the mission that characterizes the project miba of inspiring, stimulating creativity and activating the entrepreneurial capacity of people, when we decide to professionalize and make these ideas of children between 5 and 12 years drawn in a paper, be carried out.

Throughout the process, we have acted as organizers and promoters but it would not have been possible without the renowned trademark and patent office J.Isern, who did not hesitate to join the project with the drafting and sponsorship of the patents of the winning ideas, and the Bermac creative workshop, who have built the different prototypes as final product. There are no other initiatives that reward a patent and a prototype.

What will happen with the initiative in 2013

Growing up. In the second edition we are working for the project to grow in an area of ​​influence, expanding the opportunity for other children to participate in this contest and incorporating a program of education in creativity and innovation: the "Invention Camp". This is a week's stay in a castle for children between 7 and 14 years old. A mix between Harry Potter Hogwarts, the US Fair Makers and the Myth Busters under an absolutely Renaissance attitude. The goal is to open your mind, promote your entrepreneurial spirit and have a great time.

We have also organized Inventing is fun, the first School Contest of Inventions, where the goal is for the school to present an idea that makes you smile. This is a contest to have fun, to convey a sense of humor, optimism and vitality.

Utility knife

How is the response and participation of children

Exit. More than 5,000 children participated in the first edition. Now with the exhibition of the 30 winning inventions that can already be seen and touched, the appeal of the contest has increased and even the schools want to participate. For that reason it was decided to organize one for them.

What materials children use in the creative process and how they are inspired

They are inspired by the visit to the miba, although many have surely been thinking before at home. This is the goal, the visit to the museum stimulates creativity, has fun and invites you to create. A child only needs our participation sheet on which to draw and explain his idea.

Catch olives

What kind of profiles do the children who participate have?

Very heterogeneous children participate. What they have in common is curiosity.

What are the schools doing with the initiative?

We offer schools an educational program with appropriate activities for each educational cycle. They can be consulted on our website in the schools section but, as I have explained to you before, due to the interest in the minimiba competition, we have organized one especially for schools.

What are they telling you from other Museums

Many entities feel admiration for the project and it is true that we have had some request to take the contest to other cities. Everything will go.

What inventions of children have more travel in the business and practical world

Everyday inventions that have to do with home. Although it is still too early to say, we are working to present some of the inventions to certain companies.

Cutlery container

We give you the thanks to Pep Torres for his answers and congratulations on the initiative in miba. Throughout the interview we have included images of the prototypes created from the ideas of the children. In addition, we remember that Pep has extensive experience in the world of communication as a regular contributor to TV and radio and a professional career in the field of innovation. This experience has led him to give more than 200 conferences and workshops for business schools, universities, innovation forums and companies and institutions. In all performances Pep applies his personal seal, mixture of humor, irony, surprise and thrilling television format that manage to keep the attention and captivate attendees.

He is also the author of books related to the world of inventions, thinking and creativity. "The art of noise" is the first book that presents techniques and resources to achieve media notoriety, in the publisher Platform, 2011. In addition "In-correct" that offers advice to be politically incorrect, Robinbook editorial, 2005. "I do not pay you for thinking, ”a funny parody about life in an office and the operation of Robinbook publishing companies, 2004.“ Undesirable, ”such as interacting with incompetent and bad people without losing a good education at Devir publishing house, 2003.“ The inventor's manual ”, a reference book in the field of industrial design and innovation of the publishing house Planeta, 2001.“ If I don't see it, I don't believe it ”, a book of unusual gadgets in the Apóstrofe publishing house, 2000.

Video: An interview with Pep Torres, CEO & Founder of MiBa in Barcelona (June 2024).