Mumps outbreak in Navarra: how do you get the disease and how to fight this outbreak?

At the beginning of the year, a mumps outbreak that still persists and affects 300 people, according to El Diario de Navarra. The Public Health Institute of this community reminds that affected schoolchildren should not go to class and that their environment should check their vaccination card, as It is a contagious disease.

The paritoditis vaccine is given to children from 12 months, and is completed with a second dose between two and four years. Universal vaccination is the only way to protect yourself against this disease.

What is mumps?

Mumps or mumps is a viral disease whose picture, in general, is usually mild and of good prognosis. It can occur at any age and has an incubation period of between 12 and 24 days.

The symptoms it presents are inflammation of the salivary glands - which results in an inflammation of the jaw -, facial pain, headache and throat pain and fever. In men it can also cause testicular inflammation. In some cases where the disease is complicated, the nervous system, pancreas and testicles, in the case of men, may be affected.

The illness does not have a specific treatment as such Therefore, the care the patient receives is aimed at alleviating the symptoms and improving their physical condition.

How is it spread?

Being a virus, contagion is very easy and fast from person to person -especially in children- through the salivary secretions, that is to say the droplets of saliva that come off when talking, coughing, sneezing or sharing toys or other objects.

Therefore, according to El Diario de Navarra, the Public Health Institute of Navarra recommends that those affected do not attend class or collective activities until a week has elapsed since the onset of symptoms, to avoid contagion.

In addition, it is also recommended that the environment of affected patients (family and classmates) review their vaccination cards and confirm that they are up to date on the triple viral vaccine or complete the vaccination if they have only received one dose.

How to protect yourself against this disease?

Both the AEP and the Public Health Institute of Navarra insist that the most effective measure to protect against paritoiditis is through universal vaccination.

This vaccine is known as the triple viral, because it is administered together with rubella and measles, and is included in the calendar of official AEP vaccines from 12 months, with a second dose between two and four years (preferably at two years).

The fact that they occur epidemic outbreaks of this disease It is mainly due to three factors, as indicated by the AEP:

  • Relaxation in meeting the deadlines of the vaccine calendars.

  • Loss of vaccination activity over time.

  • And, occasionally, to the characteristics of the vaccine strains that can cause us to contract the disease even when vaccinated.

So, let's check our children's vaccination calendar to make sure all your vaccinations are up to date, and ask any questions we have with our pediatrician. Vaccines save lives, and in cases of outbreaks like this (or measles recorded in Europe a few months ago) are The only possible solution to slow your progress.

  • IStock Photos

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