Hanke armchairs: design and safety for kids

Hanke for kids It is a Dutch firm that manufactures designer furniture for children. At the moment it has three models of armchairs, one more original than another, but without a doubt the one that has attracted my attention the most because of its shape and color is the Le Baron model.

It has been specifically designed for children between 1 and 10 years since thanks to the optional cushions and legs it can be adjusted in height.

Its curved shape and rounded shapes, in addition to being very elegant, provide a more intimate space and a feeling of comfort and spaciousness for the little ones. In the Hanke armchair line, design and safety go hand in hand.

Le Baron comes in several colors (lime green, orange, dark gray, pink, red or blue) that can be combined with the cushions as we like, taking into account something very grateful when it comes to children's furniture, which Cushions can be removed and washed by hand.

It is comfortable, safe and beautiful to decorate the children's room. The price is 199 euros. On Hanke's website you can take a look at the other two models.

Official site | Hanke Design More information | Mimame (distributors in Spain) In Purchase | Elegant Hanke armchairs for kids

Video: Jonathan Tepper: The Myth of Capitalism (July 2024).