Companies also benefit from breastfeeding

That breastfeeding has great benefits for the baby and the mother is known to all. It is the best for both, both from the nutritional and emotional point of view and for the prevention of diseases for one and the other.

But the advantages of breastfeeding go beyond the two main actors in the film, mother and baby. It is difficult to see it, because it is not a direct effect and because many entrepreneurs believe that it is time dedicated to the baby and not to work, but companies also benefit from breastfeeding.

How do they benefit? In general, babies who are breastfed grow healthier, reducing health incidents by up to 35% in the first year of the baby and therefore, reducing absenteeism of mothers between 30% and 70%.

For its part, a positive attitude of the company towards breastfeeding makes women feel supported, so it promotes loyalty, helps job satisfaction and increases the productivity of working mothers.

Breastfeeding is an investment that makes companies profitable. If we speak in terms of earnings, according to studies by the International Labor Organization and UNICEF, on average you get a return of three dollars for each one invested.

Research carried out in Canada, Finland, Sweden and the United States confirms that companies that have entered into measures favorable to families have significant reductions in staff turnover, training costs and absenteeism.

Hopefully entrepreneurs will come to understand that breastfeeding is not a favor that is done to mothers, but that supporting it is a commitment to society that it also benefits them.

There is a need for deep measures by the authorities and employers that provide working mothers with what they need to be able to work and breastfeed their babies for longer.

Video: Breastfeeding 101 (July 2024).