Adhesion of vaginal lips in girls

It is a disorder that although it frightens parents very much, it is quite common among girls during the first months of life.

Equivalent to phimosis in boys, vulvar synechia or adhesion of the labia minora of the vagina, is the only disorder of the female external organs.

The girls close the labia minora of the vagina, which are joined totally or partially by a slight tissue. In some cases they can be born with the lips attached and in others they are attached later.

It is not to be alarmed nor does it occur as a result of poor grooming, as it is sometimes suspected and for which many mothers feel guilty.

In most cases, the situation reverses on its own. If not, the pediatrician usually recommends an estrogen-based cream treatment that in a few days solves the problem.

The operation only occurs in exceptional cases, but in any case it is a very minor intervention of minor surgery.

Ideally, detect it as soon as possible to treat it in time and avoid complications such as a urinary infection.

In periodic examinations, the pediatrician usually checks the baby's genitals, but also do it at home every so often, just in case.

In any case, it is very important to keep the genital area clean, both in boys and girls.

Video: Labial fusion in children. NHS (July 2024).