Psychiatric problems are generated since childhood

Many Psychiatric problems that adults may suffer have been generated before the age of 14. This is the conclusion reached at the XVII World Congress of the International Association of Child and Juvenile Psychiatry that was held in Australia this September.

Experts indicate that on issues such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, strategies can be established to detect possible symptoms and thus avoid the consequences in the long-term future. Intervention plans must be carried out from the beginning, from early childhood. Adequate information and guidance is necessary for both parents and health personnel, preventing Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is mandatory, society refuses to recognize that there are psychiatric disorders in children and for this reason, parents do not attend to child psychiatrists.

Parents, teachers, health workers, etc., learning to identify some symptoms to detect this problem can resolve that the child has a normal life in the future, we must get rid of the association between crazy and psychiatrist. If you have any doubts, it is best to go to the pediatrician and if this indicates that the assistance to the child psychiatrist is necessary, you must go without hesitation, your child's mental health is at stake.

Video: Bullying Exerts Psychiatric Effects Into Adulthood (July 2024).