How would you react if you saw a pregnant girl?

The thinking minds that devise the hidden camera jokes get too close, sometimes, to the limit from which the joke can be in bad taste. If this is it, judge it yourself, because although it is very well done and resolved, and the face of those affected is a true poem, the seeing a pregnant girl is, for me, quite uncomfortable.

The joke, as I say, amazes everyone, and when the SUV appears, I can see the horror in these people's minds, imagining what kind of guy will get out of the car and how they will react. Will you be accused of making a girl pregnant? Will they call the police? Will they prevent her from riding in the car? Then the car stops and a child leaves. Goodness!

Luckily, because at least he is not an adult pedophileBut of course, a child driving? A driving boy who takes his wife, girl, to the hospital, to give birth? Everything makes less and less sense and, thanks to that moment, we accept to stop thinking about the pregnant girl and focus on seeing the faces of the victims.

Is it a good joke? Is it in bad taste? It is a creation of Just for laughs and the video has more than 6 million views, so for better or worse, it has aroused people's interest. What do you think?

Video: What Would You Do: Man pushes pregnant wife to lose weight. WWYD (July 2024).