Malaga, Spanish city where more caesarean sections are practiced

According to the data provided by the digital publication Málaga Hoy, The Malaga community exceeds the national average of the number of caesarean sections practiced in Spain by 25.2%, which is around 20%.

It should also be added that when it is a private clinic, the number rises markedly in some cases up to 50%. As the World Health Organization warns us, exceeding 15% of deliveries by caesarean section is excessive.

We no longer talk about natural births as something primordial, apparently many women prefer caesarean section for several reasons, we have met a mother who indicated that when performing the cesarean delivery she got her baby to have no problem, not to suffer from overexertion to be born, that she didn't feel any pain, etc. A myriad of theories that we discussed amicably, our goal was to make you understand the multiple benefits of a natural birth, in addition to being just that, something natural.

Caesarean section is an adequate solution when there is a setback or problem, but at no time should it be used when there is a total absence of problems, moreover, they should be banned in women who do not have any complications for a natural birth. Each year the statistics reflect the increase of this type of births, more information oriented towards future mothers about the benefits of natural childbirth would be necessary.

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