They get better grades, but they think they are better, how do we want to educate our children?

It is clear that intellectual capacity does not know gender, a girl can be as clever as any boy, and vice versa, and that with the same opportunities, both men and women have the same possibilities of getting where they want. It is not a matter of capabilities, but of the attitude that each gender has regarding their peersWhat perception do they have of their classmates and which do they have of themselves and their classmates?

According to new research from the University of Washington, they get better grades, but they think they are better, regardless of what the academic results say. Curious right ?. Now, knowing this conclusion, what can parents do so that our children learn to value their peers without gender differentiation and at the same time learn to make the best of themselves?

It is not the first investigation we know with similar conclusions. According to an OECD report on gender equality in training they are more imprecise and inconstant, they get worse grades than they are, they are less involved in classes, they do less homework and leave school before, while they are more meticulous. and responsible, more involved, get better grades, but also have less confidence in themselves, especially in scientific subjects.

"This gender difference could be related to the confidence that students have in themselves. By having more confidence, they give themselves more freedom to make mistakes, to practice trial and error processes that are fundamental to acquire greater knowledge and understanding of Mathematics or of Science, "says the report.

And how do they see each other? How does this perception affect the opposite gender? In this latest research published in the scientific journal PLoS One, in which 1,700 Bachelor of Biology students participated, men recognized in other men better skills, even when, objectively, women had better academic performance.

Let's say that men considered that a grade B on them was equal to an grade A on them. That is, men underestimated the girls. Instead, when asking women, they did not differentiate in terms of gender.

How do we want to educate our children?

To know these results, surveys were conducted on university students, but it is certainly a mentality that has been forged since childhoodWhy this gender bias? Why do boys think they are better than girls?

What can we do as parents to free our children from stereotypes and prejudices? The idea of ​​gender equality begins to be shaped from childhood, through the example that children see at home and at school. That is why it is so important that as parents we educate our children in the true equality.

On the other hand, we must encourage fellowship, recognition towards others without gender bias. Peer support It is essential to strengthen children's self-esteem. Whether it's girls or boys, peer recognition raises self-confidence.

I hope that if they carry out these same investigations within ten years, our children will not respond the same in the surveys. The change is in our hands. We can reverse it if we educate our children with healthy self-esteem and with the idea that we are all equal, regardless of sex.

Video: 8 Habits of Highly Successful Students (July 2024).