A pizza that induces labor? You find it in the United States

When our probable due date arrives and passes, we can become somewhat impatient. And of course, if we reach a point where we no longer support the weight of the belly and wish more than ever that our baby is born, that we look for options to help this happen.

Remember that a month ago I told you about a restaurant in California that states that your "Maternity Salad" helped induce labor? Well, now mothers claim that after eating pizza from a restaurant in North Carolina, they broke waters.

According to some mothers, the Buffalo Wings Pizza of the restaurant chain Hawthorne's New York Pizza & Bar helped them induce labor, causing water to break some hours after having consumed it. Pizza has acquired so much fame that even now it is nicknamed "the inductor".

In Hawthorne's Instagram account, some images of pregnant women who have eaten pizza and who have gone into labor have been shared only a few hours later.

A shared publication of Hawthorne's NY Pizza & Bar (@hawthornespizza) on Apr 27, 2017 at 3:04 PDT

In the restaurant, of course, they are very happy with the fame they have received because the mothers say that it has been the pizza that has caused their babies to be born after eating it. Even one of them states that he had just finished eating the first piece, when it broke waters.

A shared publication of Hawthorne's NY Pizza & Bar (@hawthornespizza) on Apr 25, 2017 at 12:36 p.m. PDT

It is thought that the reason that pizza induces labor is due to its spicy buffalo sauce, since there is a belief that spicy food is one of the foods that help induce labor.

We know that there is no scientific evidence that spicy food really works to help induce labor, however, as long as your doctor authorizes it, we can test and see if it works.

Video: Carla Hall's Labor-Inducing Foods (July 2024).