Acupuncture during childbirth

This ancient Chinese technique is based on the use of fine needles that act on certain points of the body relieving possible pain, the action caused by these needles is hypoanalgesic. Nausea and various pains such as back or headaches can be resolved by this ancient technique.

Lately Acupuncture is used effectively to alleviate labor pains, since studies reveal that it is very useful and that it also does not interfere in uterine dynamics, nor in the mechanisms that are triggered in the organism of the future mother during childbirth.

According to specialists, whatever the type of delivery, it is not affected by acupuncture, not even the Apgar test. Studies determine that there is no adverse effect derived from acupuncture, on the contrary, the consumption of analgesics can be reduced. However, the use of this technique during childbirth should be studied further to ensure the first data obtained. On some occasions we have been able to see how initially a certain product or a certain technique that indicated as suitable, in later studies the opposite has been demonstrated.

At the moment the expectations are very favorable. Undoubtedly, a technique that avoids pain during childbirth and does not have any adverse consequences is well received by future mothers.

Video: Acupuncture & Labour Preparation (July 2024).