Do you have your baby as a profile picture? We know what this means.

Our way of relating to social networks changes when we have a child. So, it is common to share photographs of our offspring, to refer to what we do with them, their progress ... Even, We often put our baby's picture as a profile picture, on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp ... And this shows something, totally natural: that baby is a central part of our identity at that time.

This is revealed by a study that has shown that the vast majority of new mothers use Facebook to share information, photos ... of their children (98% said they had uploaded photos of their baby). And, contrary to what one might think, in general these new moms increase their use of the social network after the birth of the baby.

Normally, a photo of the baby is uploaded for the first time within the first week of birth. And many of the mothers reported that they had put their son in their profile picture. According to experts, those mothers who make their son's image appear in their own profile photos tended to show a stronger identification with their mother role than women who did not.

They are data from the study that showed us what is behind the mothers that more photos of their children share on Facebook and that stressed that many of these mothers were more likely to have depressive symptoms. This happened if the mother "posts" the photos to affirm that she is doing a "good job", to reaffirm her role as "good mother."

From what we understand from this data referring to the profile photos, it is not about sharing more or less information about our children, but, focusing on the fact of putting them as that “presentation” photo, it would simply denote a logical “exchange " of identity: I am my baby, my baby is meIf you want to meet me, this is what my life is centered at the moment.

It would be nice to know what percentage of recent parents do the same (since the study focused on women), surely many of them also show their baby delighted in their photos.

Something similar we can think if as a profile picture appears a shield of a football team, a famous character, a new car, a landscape ... We put as our own icon something that we like, that we are passionate about, what we are in love with. And what will it be when we have just extended the family: our baby. Can we be more proud?

This does not mean that those mothers who do not put the picture of their baby do not feel that linkof course Many other factors come into play, such as the desire for privacy. What is your case? Has your baby "impersonated" your identity on social networks or on your Whastsapp profile?

Photos | iStock
Via | EurekAlert
In Babies and more | What is behind the mothers who share more photos of their children on Facebook?

Video: Tinder Profile Picture Day (July 2024).