The incredible chained effects machine that a father set up to reveal the sex of his next baby

The butterfly effect is a term used in Chaos Theory to describe small variations that can affect large and complex systems. An initial moment, which in this case is produced by the future older brother when he throws his glass on the ground, unleashes the energy that gives movement to everything.

With the help of three friends, Taylor Calmus, the father behind Dude Dad Vlog built a Rube Goldberg machine at home or chained effects machine, which took them three days to ride. In an incredible butterfly effect, at the end of the tour, the sex of his next baby was discovered.

When they were pregnant with their first baby who is now 14 months old, Taylor and Heidi Calmus wanted to wait at the time of delivery to know their sex. However, the doctor accidentally escaped and the surprise was lost.


Now they are waiting for their second baby and did not want the same thing to happen again, so they asked the doctor to will deliver the result of the baby's sex in a sealed envelope who delivered unopened to the friends who would help them set up the experiment.

Taking advantage of Heidi being out of town for a few days, Taylor, a Goldberg machine enthusiast, set up his own machine along with a few friends with the baby's toys and other objects he had at home.

In spite of the tests, at the time of putting it into operation something could fail, but fortunately all the pieces worked while friends and family waited anxiously for the result. Even his parents participated in the moment via Skype.

Of course, the future parents did not know the sex of the baby until it was revealed by the last piece of the machine: a tube of colored confetti ... (you will have to find out by watching the video they posted on Facebook).

He had seen cakes, muffins and curious ways to reveal the baby's sex, but for the Calmus they were all very bland. They wanted to do something big. Definitely, the most amazing way I've seen to reveal the baby's sex.

Video: Rube Goldberg Machine Baby Gender Reveal (July 2024).