One in ten children is left-handed: on International Zurdera Day we review five data of this characteristic

Today is celebrated on World Zurdera Day, promoted by the Lefthanders International Organization to publicize, and help reduce the difficulties encountered by left-handed people in a predominantly right-handed society.

It is estimated that approximately ten to 15 percent of the population is left-handed, a condition not only genetic but also influenced by environmental factors. On a day like today, we will review the main characteristics that define the left-hander.

Is being left-handed is hereditary?

exist various theories that would explain why a person is right or left handed, although mainly it would depend on two factors:

  • the training or experience that each child has during their brain maturation,

  • and genetic inheritance. And there seems to be more likely for the baby to be left-handed if there is a family history.

Some time ago we echoed a study carried out by scientists from the University of Ruhr de Bochum, in Germany, which indicated that laterality can already be determined from the womb. Specifically, from the eighth week of gestation, at which time the fetus begins to move its limbs.

Differences in the right and left handed brain

In the brain there are two hemispheres: the right, which directs the movements of the left side of the body, and the left, which governs the movements of the right side. The left side is almost always the dominant one, but left-handed people are the exception, since in them it happens on the contrary and dominates the right hemisphere that is the one that directs the left side.

According to scientific studies, 80 percent of right-handers have dominance of the right hemisphere and 60 percent of left-handers have left dominance.

In any case, it is important to note that Being left handed is no better or worse than being right handed, but it is one more condition, like any other feature of people. In addition, there is no scientific evidence that dictates that left-handed people are more or less intelligent, or more or less skilled than those who use the right hand.

When to know if my child is left handed?

Laterality, that is, the predominance of one side over the other, not fully defined until three or four years. From that age they will begin to use the dominant hand more frequently, although there may be a transition period in which the child will be ambidextrous, up to 6-7 years in which it will be fully defined whether he will be right or left handed.

There are different tests that we can do to know if our child is left-handed or right-handed, such as the Harris Test, whose score will determine whether we are facing a left-handed or full-handed, or a crossed laterality.

Do not force the child's laterality

Formerly, schools forced left-handed children to write with the right hand, something that luckily is no longer done.

If we think the child is left-handed, it is not advisable to prevent him from using his left hand, nor to deceive or force him to use his right, but to facilitate and help you manage well with that hand, just as we would if you were right handed.

It is convenient that we support you in your lateral development, whatever it may be, since forcing you to change your nature can be detrimental to your development and to your future learning, as well as to the exercise of different skills and abilities.

Predominantly right-handed society

Alone one in ten children is left handed, and although many end up adapting to a predominantly right-handed society, it is important to keep in mind that certain things that for a right-handed person do not involve effort, to a left-hander who does not have adapted material Yes you can guess.

Cutting with scissors, writing in a spiral notebook or with rings, sharpening a pencil or playing the flute, - to put just a few examples - are daily activities carried out in schools, which can be a headache to left-handed children

Fortunately today these problems are decreasing due to a greater social awareness and to the existence of adapted products and tools. In addition, there is also numerous literature and information on the nature of left-handed people, which helps break down myths.

Video: Baby Test: Right or Left Hand Preference (July 2024).