Special Infant feeding: recipes for children between two and three years (II)

We started to prepare delicious recipes for children over two years They sit down to enjoy the family table, incorporating some products that we had so far delayed, such as stronger fish and meat and nuts.

Within our Special on Infant Feeding in Babies and more, today we are going to prepare some recipes for them, but that we are going to eat all of them and that they are true delights.

The shellfish They are especially allergenic and there are many different opinions about the ideal age to introduce them. We can wait for three years, but from two, we can use them very sparingly, in small quantities and very attentive to the reactions of children, avoiding, of course, raw or marinated and necessarily waiting for three years if there is history of allergies in the family or in the child.

Cuttlefish or squid meatballs

¿Sepias or squid in meatballs? Yes, since that prevents the child from facing its tougher meat and can instead approach the taste of these products.

We can use them bought fresh or frozen, but always of first quality and in a place that gives us security on the conservation chain. Very clean of skin and guts we cut them into small cubes and, well we cook them in little water, well we fry them with a little oil. Then we put them in the crushing machine, until they are made a paste.

We will add to that dough bread soaked in milk, parsley, a raw egg and a garlic, until you get a paste that can be handled without sticking in your hands. Then, we will form meatballs of not very thick size that we flour or pass through breadcrumbs.

We are going to fry them in quality oil, just giving them a twist to close, it is not necessary to leave them for a long time to prevent them from becoming too greasy. Even if we have made them very dense, we can skip this step. Sofrititas are tastier, but also more greasy.

For the sauce we will use a chopped onion and a garlic, giving them a frying pan with olive oil. We will add a bay leaf, chopped parsley and fish or water broth, and even a little saffron if we like it. We will cook some peas in this broth, and add the meatballs, leaving them over medium heat, ensuring that they do not stick together and put more water if necessary.

The same recipe can be made with any fish without bones such as salmon, whiting or grouper, which is also delicious although with a less marked flavor.

When we go to serve we can decorate the dish with cauliflower, kohlrabi, broccoli, cooked potatoes or white rice, and put some slices of cooked egg on top.

Rice with pine nuts

Pine nuts are a dried fruit, so we must have recommendations on the use of these foods in children's nutrition and prevent allergy risks, using them in moderation after two years and delaying them at three if judged more sure.

Normally, in this dish of rice with pine nuts, the first thing is fried, but if we use them differently, we will make them soft. Anyway, if the child is small or chews little, it is better to chop them before in the crusher even. The taste will be just as good and we will prevent them from choking.

Let's saute a garlic or garlic, cut into slices better, a chopped leek, half an onion (red if possible) in a couple of tablespoons of virgin olive oil. We will add chicken strips and in the end, we will skip some slices of red, green and yellow peppers, some zucchini strips or some cooked broccoli.

To this sofrito we will add the crushed pine nuts at the end or these same pine nuts we will put at the end of the rice cooking to soften them if we are going to use them whole. Later, we will directly put them in the sauce. If the child tolerates it, we can put some chopped raisins once the fire has gone out.

While we will have cooked basmati rice, brown rice or wild rice in abundant water, all of them rich in nutrients and delicious in flavor or we can even prepare the dish with quinoa, another product with a high nutritional quality. Maybe we can add peas or sliced ​​carrots during cooking as well.

Strain the cereal, we will give it a spin with the sofrito and it will be ready to eat this rice with pine nuts for children, rich in proteins of high nutritional value, quality hydrates, fiber, good fats and fiber, which, accompanied by, for example, a simple tomato and cucumber salad, will turn this simple and fast dish into a complete meal.

Next week we will continue with recipes for children over three years, with which our Special on Infant Feeding in Babies and more we hope that you have many ideas to eat with your children and enjoy the pleasures of the table and good nutrition.

Video: 10 Breakfast Recipes for 1 - 2 year babytoddler - Easy, Healthy Breakfast ideas for 1 year baby (July 2024).