Her name is Anastasia, she is six years old and is considered "the most beautiful girl in the world"

His name is Anastasia Knyazeva, he has stunning blue eyes and beautiful features, and now It has been listed as "the most beautiful girl in the world". It sweeps in social networks and its Instagram account is followed by more than half a million people.

Her mother is the one who directs her social profile and shares photographs of the little girl who, with only six years, It has become an icon of fashion and beauty in your country. What is behind "the" prettiest girl in the world "?

Чудесное фото от Яночки Чуваловой @yanachuvalova @anloginova_makeup Makeup & Hair Style # анастасиякнязева #anastasiyaknyazeva @sophie_suru # новаяприческа # красиваядевочка # красотка # красивыеглаза # детимодели

A shared post by Anna Knyazeva (@anna_knyazeva_official) on Nov 27, 2017 at 9:27 AM PST

Anastasia Knyazeva is six years old, is Russian and is apparently a girl like everyone else, except for one detail: his life takes place behind the scenes, fashion shows and photographic objectives.

Her mother began to share photographs of the little girl in 2015, when she was only four years old, and very soon she caught the attention of hundreds of thousands of people who soon called her "the most beautiful girl in the world."

His expressive blue eyes and perfect features have captivated his Instagram followers, and some people think that Anastasia will follow the same steps as other early models such as Thylane Blondeau and Kristina Pimenova.

Anastasia Currently working with the Kids Management model agency, is the image of a haute couture firm in their country and all brands want to work with it.

Taking over from other girls who were also "the most beautiful in the world"

Both his followers and fashion experts agree that Anastasia has taken over from Russian Kristina Pimenova and Frenchwoman Thylane Blondeau, two models who also began their career at a very young age.

Kistina Pimenova is currently 12 years old, but with nine she was also listed as "the most beautiful girl in the world". He rose to fame with only seven years after starring on the cover of Vogue Bambini magazine, and later became a brand image of Roberto Cavalli, Dolce & Gabbana, Armani or Benetton, among others.

By @annagunselman for @poshkidsmag #kristinapimenova @lamodels

A shared publication by Kristina Pimenova (@ kristinapimenova2005) on Dec 4, 2016 at 10:31 PST

Another of the "most beautiful girls in the world" was the Frenchwoman Thylane Blondeau, who is currently 16 years old. After appearing on the cover of Vogue Enfants with only six years, the fashion world laid eyes on her, and her beauty was elevated to the top.

@ topshop

A shared post by Thylane (@thylaneblondeau) on Jul 13, 2017 at 4:47 p.m. PDT

Their lives are not without controversy

But nevertheless, The life of these three girls is not without controversy and there are many people who criticize the exposure of minors to social networks and the hypersexualization of their photographs.

Thylane's parents were harshly criticized when the model starred in a campaign for Vogue Paris. Makeup, jewelry of thousands of euros and provocative clothes to dress a girl of only ten years, whose image moved away completely from what any girl her age should have.

Kristina Pimenova was also criticized for the same, and many users accused her mother of sexualizing, adultizing and photographing the child in inappropriate poses and according to their age.

Although little Anastasia has just started in the fashion world, her Instagram account already brings together more than 500 thousand followers who as soon praise her beauty as they criticize her and call into question with comments such as: "I would like to know how much makeup you give before each photograph."

The truth is that the three girls are beautiful, and if they work in the fashion world they like it, they do it voluntarily and their childhood is respectedPersonally, it seems good that everyone does what they want.

What happens is that I doubt that is really so. I think that behind their catwalk lives hide the desire to play any child their age, or fatigue and fatigue after hours of "work" and hairdressing and beauty sessions.

On the other hand, I also ask myself the following question: is a six or seven year old girl trained to carry the label of "the most beautiful in the world"? And more importantly, what childhood is left for a super model of this age who lives by and to please others?

Unfortunately, we live in a society in which body worship and praise for superficiality are the order of the day, but dowe must involve the children in it and make them grow up too soon? Is it correct for a girl to grow up knowing herself the "prettiest in the world" and compete with other equals to continue holding such a title?

I would love to read your opinions. The debate is served!

  • Instagram photos Anna Knyazeva

  • Via Daily Mail

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