We go on an excursion: preparation and transfers

This week in our special Summer with children we will continue playing songs for the end of the summer, an ideal time for excursions, when the heat no longer squeezes and the days are still long.

One or half day excursions are a great option for weekends or evenings if we have free time, since the kids still do not go to school all day.

Soon we will give some ideas on the places to go on an excursion, but today we are advancing that prepare a day away from home, as well as the transfer, can become a fun game, even before reaching the destination.

Preparations for the excursion

The tour starts at home. The fate can be decided among all, they will love to be partakers of the decision making, which can be done as a game (cards that represent the options and choose at random ...). And if it's already decided, what we can do to get them involved is let them help us prepare the tour.

The illusion with which they live the days or the previous moments is immense. We can see photographs, talk about what we will find in the destination, prepare the backpack together, choose clothes ...

Taking an excursion is a special activity, so we can prepare the "little hiker kit": food and water, canteen, toy compass (which we can create ourselves) to explore, the cap to protect from the sun, sunscreen, camera ...

Although not everything can be carefully programmed, some places where we will make stops for different reasons can be established in advance: inspect the landscape for your enjoyment, regain strength with what we carry in our backpacks (lunch, lunch or snack) or drink in The sources, for example.

In the excursion we can make many traditional games that do not need more than the participation of the kids and ours, but we can also take a rubber band or a rope, a ball, dolls ... Nor should we forget the typical and typical songs of this type of activities .

We who will carry more weight can also prepare a small "picnic set": a tablecloth or blanket, snacks or containers with prepared food, plastic cutlery ...

The funniest move

Most children have often boarded but rarely traveled by bus or train. Making a transfer for our excursion can also be fun. If we choose an unusual means of transport, will be a novelty for them.

In addition, for the coach or the train we can take some appropriate game for the journey, although you will see how simply looking out the window they entertain. Play to find trucks, cars of a certain color, types of trees, mountains that look like volcanoes, clouds with shapes ...

If we go by car, we can go more loaded, carry more comfortably bicycles, scooters or tricycles, although it will depend on where we are going. By car we can select the soundtrack that makes the transfer fun.

Whatever the means of transport, there are many games and activities to entertain, such as riddles, see-see, count items, sing ...

For the return, it would be great if we took paper and pencils for the little hikers to draw what they liked most about the excursion. Then the drawing will be for the memory next to the photographs.

Everything is an adventure for the kids if we go on an excursion, starting with home preparation and relocation. Now that we have arrived, we encourage you to continue this fun day in a few days in the second part of this topic: "Nearby excursions with children".

Photos | Jamiesrabbits, c r z on Flickr-CC In Babies and more | Traveling by car with children, Traveling with children by car and train, Recommendations and good practices for traveling with babies and children, Recommendations for traveling with children: adapt to your needs

Video: Disney Cruise Line Choosing a Shore Excursion : CHECK DESCRIPTION FOR VIDEO UPDATES (July 2024).