They suggest that physical activity can prevent allergic rhinitis

A study conducted by the National Research Center for Environment and Health in Germany, suggests that physical activity can also prevent allergic rhinitis or hay fever (Pollen allergy).

The research carried out on 1,700 children over 12 years shows that sedentary children at the beginning of the study were 50% more likely to develop allergic rhinitis than those who regularly exercised, and rule out that for reasons of suffering from the allergy they avoided activity physical.

Considering the external agents that can influence the development of childhood allergic rhinitis, such as contact with animals, tobacco smoke, allergic history or if the feeding during breastfeeding had been with breast milk or formula, the percentage of sedentary children and risk of developing allergy remained double compared to active children.

There are certain studies that seem intentional to achieve other purposes, as it might be in this case, to promote physical exercise in children, as the researchers themselves affirm that this study "is mere scientific speculation." In this case, taking note of the recommendation, you can take advantage, but it teaches us that we must always be very well informed before taking any study seriously.

Video: Allergy Symptoms & Treatments : How to Cure Dust Allergies (July 2024).