Newborn care: gassing

One of the great obsessions that we have parents of newborn babies is relieve gas. After each shot it is convenient to help them burp so that they eliminate the air they have swallowed while eating.

Both babies who breastfeed and those who drink bottles usually swallow air when sucking, being less common in children who are breastfed. They also swallow air when crying as well as eating too fast or in a bad posture.

By swallowing the milk along with the air, the stomach is distended, usually causing discomfort in the baby. Therefore, some you have to help them burp.

As I said at the beginning, we tend to become quite obsessed with the fumes, but we must know that not all babies always burp after each feeding. Sometimes they burp right away, others take longer, while others do not burp no matter how much we throw ourselves by patting them on the back.

That is, if the baby falls asleep peacefully after taking it is because obviously he is not bothered by the gas in his stomach and you don't need to eject them. Maybe I'll do it later or just don't do it. Do not wake up your babies, nothing happens to put them to bed without belching. If they need it they will do it later, with or without help.

Nor do they need to burp making noise. Although the “burp” of our baby after a shot sounds like music to our ears because we are supposed to end the feeding and will fall asleep at ease, it does not mean that it should burp loudly. You can expel the air in a more "discreet" way, say, and also stay so comfortable.

Belching is caused by a simple physical law. Placing the baby in an erect position, the milk that is heavier is deposited in the bottom of the stomach while the lighter air stays in the upper part. The posture favors that the air rises over the milk and that when the baby burps, it expels the excess air.

Some recommended positions for the baby to burp

1) Lay the baby down face down on the lap and do gentle back massages. It is a very comforting posture for babies but it favors the mixture of milk and air, sometimes causing the air to leave unfailingly accompanied by milk.

2) Place the baby in vertical position on your shoulder and give a gentle massage or small pats. It is the most traditional and the best position for belching since in addition to facilitating the exit of the air the baby feels wrapped up, it calms down. We can give you a little walk and the little one can observe the world from the arms of mom (or dad). You will surely relax and fall asleep.

3) Another posture that facilitates belching is to place it sitting on your lap, but when he is able to hold his head by himself. In the same way as the previous ones, giving him a massage or some patting will throw the air. In small babies (less than 3 months) this posture is not recommended because it does not remain erect and the stomach can be easily folded making it difficult to escape the air.

Burp in the middle of the shot

Occasionally, the baby is restless when breastfeeding or bottle feeding. Stop sucking and release the nipple or nipple. He has swallowed air and his stomach is distended before he has been able to drink enough milk to satisfy himself. In these cases, it is advisable to help you breathe in the middle of the outlet so that you can continue to eat quietly.

Burp at the end of the shot

At the end of the shot, if the baby needs it, it is advisable to burp. As we said before, every baby is a world and the same does not always happen. Sometimes they burp in a few minutes while others need a good time to pat and sometimes they don't even do it.

They may also sometimes need to breathe once while others need to repeat it two or three times until they feel comfortable. But come on, the usual thing if the baby is restless after taking it is to place it in one of the three positions I have described above so that it burps.

It may be that sometimes when the air is expelled it will be accompanied by a little milk. For this it is advisable to place a cloth, a towel or a protector to avoid staining clothes.

Other ways to flush

He bicycle exercise It is also effective in removing the baby's gas from the stomach, but this time "from below." Lay the baby on his back and bend his legs together and alternating so that they put pressure on the baby's belly.

The massages in the tripita They help a lot. Take advantage of the change of diaper or after the bath to perform a circular massage in a clockwise direction to stimulate bowel movement and expel gases.

As we have already pointed out in the recommended positions to hold the newborn baby, the place it face down on your forearm It is also a very beneficial position for the baby because it allows them to exercise the back muscles, it is recommended to eliminate the gases thanks to the slight pressure that the arm makes on the baby's gut. If we take a walk or cradle it with a gentle sway, better than better.

Video: Baby Parenting Skills : How to Relieve Baby Gas Pain at Home (July 2024).