These identical twins gave birth to their babies on the same day and at the same time!

Do you think that the Twins Do they have any special connection? And if they are women, considering that it is known that women who live in the same place can synchronize their periods?

Because what happened a few days ago in Colorado gives a lot to think about, when Sarah Mariuz Y Leah Rodgers, 35, gave birth to their respective babies not only on the same day, but also at the same time. Your babies They were born at 1:18 a.m. on Thursday.

But they were not born at the same time!

Both sisters were pregnant with a difference in gestation time of four days. One of them had to give birth four days after the other (according to the probable date of childbirth, which is already known to hit very rarely).

This made them think that they could give birth the same day, and it happened. Now both sisters live in different cities. One of them resides in Denver and the other in La Jolla, and 1,600 km and a 60-minute time difference separate them.

This made their babies born, in reality, separated in time by an exact hour. But thanks to the time difference the two were enrolled at the same time.

They didn't even plan to get pregnant at the same time

In words to Today, they assured that they hadn't even considered the possibility of getting pregnant at the same time. But it happened, and they both said they would give the great news to the rest of the family on Thanksgiving.

That day, the two broke the news and the surprise was capital. If all this was already incredible, what were the chances that one day they both had a son with just 60 minutes apart, born at the same time? Totally remote. Anyone would say impossible. I would bet it could never happen.

Yes, sometimes it is a bit difficult to think that the twin brothers may be interconnected in some way. But after stories like this, or that of the twins who in 2011 had their respective babies separated from two hours, who measured the same and that both came in the same cephalic position, but with their faces directed towards their mothers pubis, Well, one thinks it might be possible. What do you think?

Photos | Woman's Day, Today
In Babies and more | Mother and daughter gave birth on the same day, The video of the synchronized twins

Video: Twin Sisters Each Give Birth to a Set of Twins for The Second Time (July 2024).