The moving story of Wally, the old man who encourages the children of a school to fight for their dreams

On several occasions we have talked about the importance of motivate our children so that limits are not set, and always be what you want to be. Because we all (boys, girls, adults and children) are capable of doing what we set out to do, although sometimes we need a little push that makes us believe in ourselves more and strengthen our self-esteem.

That's why I liked this story so much that today I share you. It happens every day at a school in California, where an old man goes to Encourage students with words of encouragement and clash of fists. The children confess that the elder's early morning greeting inspires them to face their school day. And there is nothing more motivating than the fact that someone believes in you!

A clash of fists and a motivating message

This beautiful anecdote has been shared in networks by a woman, mother of four children, after changing her children's school.

When he arrived at the new school, he was surprised to see how, every morning, the children were running excited to bump fists with an old man which was located a few meters from the entrance. So he decided to find out who that person was and why the students liked him so much.

The man, a neighbor of the area, is called Wally and is 94 years old, and for several years he is faithful to his appointment at the door of this school in California. Every morning he greets all the children who come to school, and receiving them with a big smile, bumps his fists with them in an accomplice, and encourages them to face the day with dedication and enthusiasm.

The children love Wally, and after several years of seeing him and talking with him, they feel that he is already part of their families. So before entering the school, they line up to greet and bump their fists. They affirm that the old man sends them encouraging and motivating messages, which they have very present throughout their day.

Wally believe in them and their abilities, and encourages them to do with their lives what they wish to do, provided they do so respecting others. As if it were a teacher, students listen to their great lessons, and parents contemplate the scene excited to perceive the mutual love they have.

But what children probably don't know is that for Wally, they are his energy and his desire to live. With his smiles and his vitality, the students give this old man the same strength that he transmits with his words of encouragement.

I don't know what it will look like to you, but the story has moved me because I think there is nothing more beautiful than the intergenerational coexistence between children and the elderly, and how much we can contribute to each other.

For these children, Wally is a guide. He is someone who listens to them exclusively every morning, who awaits them excited to talk, and who always has a positive message to boost their self-esteem. I wish the world was full of more "Wallys"!

Via Love What Matters

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