Highlights in Babies and more: from March 28 to April 3

We arrive, as every week to our review by Babies highlights and more, finding, as always, varied topics, interviews, reflections and news.

We have presented our pregnancy calculator, which allows us to determine the probable date of delivery directly in Babies and more and that we hope will be useful to our pregnant readers.

We have interviewed Montserrat Rivero, General Scientific Director of Ordesa Laboratories, who has told us the process followed in the company from the detection of a lot with defects in its sealing until its possible link to an outbreak of salmonella.

Regarding the care that the little ones receive as soon as they are born, we have explained what the first examination of the newborn consists of and the normal reflexes that are going to be analyzed in them. About the health of the baby we have also explained how the incompatibility of RH is treated both during pregnancy to prevent it and if it has already developed, to control its effects.

Speaking of education we have told you the open controversy in Catalonia regarding school uniforms, something that divides parents with opinions for and against. In this sense, we have also talked about whether uniforms are a way of fostering teacher authority.

About the conciliation we have told you that, in reality, only 6% of fathers ask for a reduction in working hours to care for their children, a percentage that is clearly lower than that of mothers, which, on the one hand, speaks of a real difference in the care of the child but, on the other, it will surely be more suitable for the needs of babies, who are more linked to their mother those early years.

Regarding childbirth, we have explained that a vaginal birth is not the same as a natural birth, and in addition, we have offered an interesting video that shows the different attention that parturients and babies receive in both cases.

We have also collected a piece of news that states that it has been discovered that there is a brain mechanism that seems to be related to sudden infant death. And, speaking also of health, but in another aspect, we have said that Danone has been sentenced to pay a fine for exaggerating the alleged benefits of Actimel.

We have also introduced our new editor, Iván Amado, a speech therapist who will accompany us in Babies and more from now on and who has explained to us that speech therapy is much more than the "rr".

And to finish with a good taste, we leave you two exquisite recipes that bring us in the Club Gallina Blanca our companions of the blog of cooking Direct to the Palate: one of Turkey with mushrooms and another of Chicken curry.

We continue to work, compiling the topics that we hope will interest, have fun and instruct our readers, and next week we will return with a new review to Babies highlights and more.

Video: Tom's Stream Highlights: We Eat Our Mistakes February 3, 2019 - March 9, 2019 (July 2024).