Dads and moms blogs (CCIV)

As every Tuesday, we look at the maternal blogosphere (pa) to discover that it has been published in the moms and dads blogs in the last days.

Diving through the net is something we love to do, it allows us to find a lot of shared experiences, reflections on motherhood and fatherhood and tips that can come in handy to other parents. So, here we share with you the contents that we liked most this week.

To start, Mom by bulerías He tells us in What I am going to tell you that you do not know how maternity has changed his life in the last 30 months. A highly recommended reading for future parents (for them to prepare) and also for recent parents, with whom you will feel very identified.

In I like being a mom We found a mother and worker ... suffering. It shares reflections on family and work conciliation and reaches the same conclusion as most: real conciliation does not exist. We will have to keep fighting for it ...

A sincere entry and I would say that "cathartic" that has reached me a lot is The day I separated, in Educating four. The author shares the story of her life and the process she has been through, not easy by the way, to achieve the balance she enjoys today with her family. His fight to be happy.

We put this week a touch of dad blogger with The coup. José María tells us about the small addictions of his Padawanes and he tells us how they have become fans of the little word that children like so much when they are having fun: "More, more, more ..."

It is always a pleasure to shop around Maternal love, the blog of Louma Sader Bujana, who gives us Five tips to take care of yourself and pamper yourself during pregnancy. Because the second is as important as the first. If you are waiting for a baby, you will like it.

Finally, in My Philips World They advise us how to avoid the most frequent accidents of babies. Recommendations to prevent them and make the home a safe place.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog in which you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look at it for future weekly reviews.

Video: Embarrassing Beach Day - Summer Funny Skits - Miss Mom Vlogs : Sketch Comedy. GEM Sisters (July 2024).