Christmas with separated and assembled families: tips for all happy holidays

Times change and there are currently various family models: traditional, single parent, separated and reconstituted or assembled, among others. Be the model that is, when the Christmas season comes we all want the same thing: enjoy the holidays.

As we know that in the case of some families the organization can be complicated, we decided to share some tips for separated and assembled families, so that everyone can have a happy holiday.

Separated and assembled families

Let's start by clarifying what we mean when we talk about these two types of family. The separated families they are those that go through a divorce, annulment or separation and have children, while the assembled families (also called reconstituted) are those in which the man, the woman or both contribute children to the home of other previous relationships.

In both cases, and When it comes to special events like birthdays or Christmas, things tend to get a little complicated, because not being a single family or a traditional family, it is difficult to organize to spend those dates since not everyone is together (in the case of separated families) or there is another family that must also be met (this being the situation of assembled families).

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Tips for having a happy holiday when you have a separate or assembled family

This is why on the occasion of the Christmas season, we want to share some tips that can facilitate planning during Christmas, so everyone can have a happy holiday.

Plan ahead

The first point and one of the most important is to plan everything in time. We know that it can be a topic that generates tension, but leaving it for a week or days before is not the best decision and it could even make everything a disaster.

Just being something that is somewhat complicated, It is best to anticipate and speak clearly about holiday plans. If we have excellent communication this will not be a problem, but if not, let's do our best to do it in a friendly way.

It is important to remember that in doing so, be in an open and quiet way, always putting the welfare and happiness of the little ones first and of course, also talking with the children, to prepare them about the plans and even consult your opinion.

Be flexible

When talking about Christmas plans, they should do it with an open mind to changes and adjustmentsWell, as expected, everyone would like to choose the exact date of Christmas or New Year's Eve to spend it together, but we must keep in mind that given the situation, this will not be possible.

One way that works is hand out or divide dates, so that the children spend with one of their parents Christmas and with another New Year. Or, be guided according to family traditions. If in one family Christmas is the event of the year, while the other doesn't care, you can give in to have it with the first family.

It is also important to take into account various factors, such as children's age and do what is best for them. In the case of separated families, if they are still small, it may be best to have them with whom they regularly live, and in the case of assembled families, it is important to analyze in depth if they are ready to spend the holidays all together.

Organize different activities

Returning to the issue of dividing dates, something that can work is to divide the days into four: Christmas Eve, Christmas, New Year's Eve and New Year. Or, you can also create new traditions that are better suited to the family situation, such as organizing dinners or special meetings in the days before Christmas or New Year's Eve.

Adding more days or family gatherings on those dates, it may be easier to choose how or with whom to spend the holidays, so to be able to spend one day with each family during the season. In addition, they can organize other types of activities to celebrate the time and spend a day together, such as making a marathon of Christmas movies, cooking Christmas desserts or going ice skating.

As the daughter of divorced parents, the four-day solution was the one my parents came to, so my sister and I spent Christmas Eve with our mother (who is who we lived with) and on Christmas morning we went with the family of my father, something that we still do to date because it has worked for us, and that we repeat on New Year's Eve and New Year.

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The day is not the only thing that matters, they can have more than one Christmas

Now, we know that the ideal is that everyone will spend those dates together or that we could always choose the same day or the one of our preference. But we have to remember this: the day is not the only thing that matters. It's true that we all expect a particular date, but December 24 is not the only thing or what matters most.

The most important thing is to share a special moment next to our loved ones and not doing the exact day should not detract from importance or value. We can organize ourselves so that each separated family has two Christmases or that the children of the assembled families spend a day together and others with their other parents.

Put aside the bad feelings on those dates

And finally, remember the purpose and purpose of Christmas: share, give and celebrate surrounded by illusion and good wishes. Although the ideal is that we do it all year round, the Christmas season is a great opportunity to put aside the negative feelings that may exist between our former partners and try focus on enjoying the parties next to those we love most, whatever day it is.

I know you have a separate family or have formed a new family together, remember to take everyone's wishes into account and always put the welfare of the children first. The most important thing is not to win a day or be right, but to give us that opportunity to have a happy holiday.

Photos | Pexels

Video: The Night Before Critmas (July 2024).