11 types of parents before going back to school, do you identify with any?

The return to school is fast approaching (for many it has already arrived) and with it, the return of many other things: homework, car travel, preparation of backpacks and school supplies, resume the routine, as well as loved ones and hated WhatsApp groups, among other things.

No doubt each father and mother has a different thought about going back to school: some were waiting anxiously while others wish the holidays had lasted a little longer. In Babies and more we have thought about the types of fathers and mothers with whom we meet before going back to school, and we have decided to share, in a humorous way, some of them. Do you identify with any?

The dramatic

It is those parents who find it very difficult to go back to school, and that we can find them crying in the corners the first days of class. They like to show their emotions and the difficulty caused by the start of the course.

The sustainable / healthy

They are those dads and moms who are very involved in the whole wellness issue: they play sports, they worry about the nutrition of their children (there is no lack in tupper with organic, artisanal food, free of everything), they go by bicycle and take bananas to celebrate the meets in school.

The informants

If you have any questions, it is they who should go, although usually they are the ones who go to the other parents: they inform everyone of everything, they are always up-to-date with the latest news, they know by heart the duties to be done and everything What to bring.

Those involved

They love being involved in all school and extracurricular activities, as well as in the organization of the school: they propose activities and events, and of course they are in the planning and execution of them from beginning to end.

Public relations

Another type of parents that we can find around the school are those who seem specialized in public relations: it is that mother who creates the WhatsAppp groups, the name of all classmates (and sometimes even of the brothers!), the one who greets you for miles and who knows all the school staff.

The worried

These are the ones who are eternally overwhelmed: everything worries them and what doesn't, doesn't let them sleep. They count the minutes to go to pick up their children, they have hundreds of questions about everything and they need to make sure of things, otherwise they are never calm (if they ever are).

The raisins

They are exactly the opposite of those concerned: they spend everything and have a very relaxed attitude before going back to school. You can identify them because they are those who leave the child the first day of happy classes in life.

Those who don't hear anything

These parents are the complement of those informed, if those know everything, they do not know anything: they try but they are always asking about homework, or what children have to wear. Well, even the teacher's name they have to ask on more than one occasion.

The complainers

Everywhere, there is always someone who is never happy with something. To the complaining parents everything seems wrong and they go against everything the school does: that if the organization is a disaster, that the food is not healthy, that if your child does not learn English, and so on. They usually question everything, but rarely offer a solution or alternative.


Planning and occurrences of activities to do are your thing. They have all parents organized with workshops, cultural programs, science programs and all possible activities.

The protectors

They are those with the eagerness to make things easier for their children, they do everything for them: they continually ask in the group about their homework, about the jacket that their son has lost, they take what they have forgotten at home, and they are the ones who say that their son eats badly in the dining room because he tells him that the food is very bad and They want to know the opinion that our children transmit to us on the subject, they ask for the opinion of the gym teacher, for example, because their son has told him that he is a bit "dry".

Of course, we say this in a humorous way and we know that each mother or father has different concerns and interests. Did you feel identified with any of these types of parents before going back to school?

Video: 9 TYPES OF PEOPLE IN BED (July 2024).