Children should help at home

It is advisable involve children in some household chores although they are small, because although they do not have enough ability to do it correctly, it is very good that they feel that they are sharing the responsibilities of the home, that they are also useful.

After two years, they already want to help simply by imitating us. We cannot let them set the table yet, but we can give them, for example, the napkins to be placed.

With three years, they have more skills to their credit and can already pick up their toys from the room for example, and when they turn four, they already try to set the table by themselves, is when the task ceases to be a game to become a job. This is the time to praise them, especially when they do things well and try to correct the minimum and gradually give them a little more responsibility.

Some of the tasks with which they can collaborate are, for example, sorting the clothes to put in the washing machine, when we separate the white clothes from those of color and we have a box for each type, then we throw the clothes on the floor and you We ask the child to help us and to introduce the corresponding item in each box. This is a game that you will like in addition to helping you in your learning with colors.

Show them how an organized closet is, next to him, he orders his closet, in this way he will learn where each garment is placed and little by little you can give him that responsibility that will help him to be ordered. As for setting the table, you must explain what each cutlery is used for, the type of plate, etc. One way to teach them this question is with colors, a one-color sticker is hooked, for example, green spoons, yellow forks, etc. This will help the child a lot.

That your child collaborates as much as possible, helps to be responsible, orderly and feel valued.

Video: Tittle for Parents: Should Kids Help Out Around the House? (July 2024).