The IVI achieves the birth of twins free of an inherited disease

If a few days ago we knew the news of the birth of a baby free of an inherited disease of which the parents were carriers, today we know a new achievement obtained by the Valencian Institute of Infertility (IVI).

Through the technique of preimplantation genetic diagnosis, a technique where possible genetic and chromosomal alterations that embryos can present before they are implanted are diagnosed, the Valencian Institute of Infertility has achieved the birth of twins free of an inherited and incurable disease of which the happy dad was the bearer, the so-called MEN2A. The disease in question would have produced in the newborn several tumors in the thyroid, adrenal and paratidoid glands, being the only solution to remove the thyroid gland and maintain a special therapy composed of hormones that would replace the action of the thyroid for life.

Genetic studies and new techniques allow paving the path of infertility, as well as the problems that can cause various diseases of hereditary nature. Today we marvel at the achievements, but in the not too distant future it will be normal and everyday to rid future babies of possible hereditary diseases, as well as avoid obstacles to pregnancy.

Video: DuchenneConnect (July 2024).