One of four Spanish children feels lonely

The fourth part of Spanish children they feel alone Upon arriving home after the school day and take the TV or computer to hang out, according to the 2008 Childhood Survey in Spain presented in Madrid last day 11 and which has been carried out by the SM Foundation.

The study has been carried out in children from six years old, presumably the youngest could not answer the questions. Many of the respondents, who are 15,000 children, point out that they feel alone when their parents are with them at home because they barely pay attention to them and there are 17% of respondents who do not see their parents when they return from school. Are they not results that deserve a real change in our priorities and in the social system?

If you take the study seriously, do statements like Mr. Urra's really make sense that "love relativizes time"? I would say that for one third of Spanish children is not true. And I guess they know better than anyone. I think that while they are small it is good that we do not lose these realities of sight.

The most chilling figure in the survey indicates that at least 175,000 children and 140,000 preteens who at least one of their parents job frequently. And I highlight "frequently." That, sadly, would give to speak more deeply about how physical, verbal and sexual violence continues to be suffered by many children in our country.

Video: What Its Like To Feel Lonely (July 2024).