Her father did not let her eat a lollipop and she created a healthy one for her teeth that prevents tooth decay: she is now a millionaire

"Dad, why can't we make a good lollipop for my teeth?" With this question to his father of a seven-year-old girl, an idea was born that has turned the little girl into the youngest millionaire in appearing on the cover of the magazine 'Entrepreneur'.

Is called Alina Morse, lives in the United States, and with only 13 years she owns the company Zollipops, that makes lollipops that prevent cavities and plaque and reduce the acidity of saliva, preventing bacteria from growing.

And the sales results, more than six million dollars! They seem to have proved right to some sweets that, according to the young woman's father, Tom Morse:

"They were not born to earn money, but to help families and children smile, because our mission is to help reduce tooth decay."

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A very sweet story

Alina Morse account on her website, which:

"When she was seven years old she went to the bank with her father and the cashier offered her a lollipop. Although she really loved her, her parents had always told her that sweets were terrible for her teeth. So she asked her father: ' Why can't we make a lollipop that is good for the teeth? ' And at that moment the idea of ​​Zollipops® was born! "

"I talked to my dentist to find out which ingredients were good for my teeth" and they recommended xylitol and other sugar-free sweeteners, such as erythritol, citric acid, stevia and isomal syrup.

Thus, lollipops were born in 2014 that, not only do not contain sugars, but are also very healthy for the mouth, since they prevent tooth decay and plaque and reduce the acidity of saliva, preventing the appearance of bacteria, "says Alina Morse.

They started selling through Amazon, but today they are also in physical stores and supermarkets. "A sweet vegan, organic, intelligent and delicious" (according to its creators) that has made Alina known as the 'Dummy Girl', a true entrepreneurial girl.

Photos | Zollipops on Facebook

Video: How a 13-year-old's company revolutionized the candy industry (July 2024).