The baby who cries (a lot) every time her favorite story is over

Reading stories to babies is one of the most recommended things we can do for them, because they listen to our voice, tone, see drawings, know stories, their moral, and end up loving books. Is help them learn to speak before, provide them with more vocabulary and plant the seed of reading, where they can take all the knowledge they want to acquire.

Recommendable, unless at the end of the baby she starts crying, and much, because his favorite story is over. Then surely you just doubt whether to read or not to read, because this baby starts crying every time the story is over.

The mother, of course, can only do one thing to calm the baby: reread the story. The baby looks surprised, full of curiosity, while listening. But "The End" arrives and starts crying again.

So they can fall into an eternal loop in which the mother reads the story again and again, making the baby like it more and more and, consequently, cry more and more, too, right? Well, not. Surely the mother has other resources to calm the crying of the baby to reread the story. If not, you will tell me.

At the end of the video we see that this also happens with the fatherThey even divide the image into four scenes so we can see different reactions at different times.

What a passion for reading! You will think. And surely many of you will now be thinking, too, that yours have never been so curious about books and stories. Well, there is everything. There are children who enjoy them a lot, there are children who are not so much, and there are others, who perhaps because at home parents do not read either (the example has long been) or because they simply have other interests, they do not take a story or a book.

And how to make them like to read?

Well, as I say, by example, and with some more advice. If you get to like reading, perfect. If not, then nothing, there will come times of more tranquility and curiosity in which they do take books.

To awaken a little that desire parents have to:

  • Read also at home: that they see us with books, that we comment on them, that they see that we like to discover new stories and that we explain things we have learned.
  • Let them choose books: Let them choose them, buy those who believe they will like them.
  • May we read them with them: if they still don't do it, if they themselves don't take a book to read it (I'm talking about children who already know how to read), we can read them with them (or for them). They will enjoy the stories and enjoy spending time with dad or mom.
  • Let us read in a moment of calm: Children alternate moments of excitement with others of calm. If the child is jumping, running, playing, let's not say "let's read", because sitting will hold ten seconds. Wait for him to sit down and watch TV or do something quiet, and that will be a good time (and in any case, it is not a "let's read", but a "do you feel like reading, or we read? "

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