The intake of trans fat increases the risk of female infertility

In addition to how harmful the known trans fats are to health, those that hide fried foods, industrial pastries, fast food ... in processed foods in general, a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition informs us that the intake of trans fat increases the risk in women of suffering infertility.

To reach this conclusion, they studied 18,555 healthy women who tried to get pregnant between 1991 and 1999. For every 2% of calories ingested from trans fats instead of carbohydrates, the risk of infertility increased by 73% and for every 2 % of the mentioned energy consumed in substitution of omega-6 polyunsaturated fats, amounted to 79%. Keep in mind that in a diet of 1,800 calories, 2% represent 4 grams of trans fat.

The Harvard School of Public Health (Boston) team, led by Dr. Jorge E. Chavarro, recommends the exclusion of these foods in the diet of women seeking to become pregnant, and also in those who have no intention, because trans fats, among other damages, causes an imbalance in our metabolism that is associated with the possibility of suffering from any of the existing cardiovascular diseases, also leads to very high cholesterol levels. There are already many studies that have shown how harmful it is not to eat healthy and initiatives are taken that try to prevent this consumption, such as a labeling of real products, the education of the population to understand labels, the prohibition of the use of trans fats in restaurants (at the moment in New York), in factories of food products, etc.

If, in addition to taking care of our health, we benefit our fertility, there is no doubt about what we should eat, right ?.

Video: Life & Info: Too much trans fat while pregnant linked to increased risk of child having food allergy (July 2024).