The most frequent mistakes made by parents of newborns

The arrival of our baby in the world is the most beautiful thing there is, but many times his care during the first days can be quite disconcerting, especially for first-time parents.

There are some very common mistakes that parents usually make during the first weeks of the baby, in which we are still beginning to know him and we have not gained much experience.

These are some of the mistakes we usually make, of which we are not always warned.

● Let the newborn baby sleep through the night: there are babies who are very sleepy and in some cases, especially if they are premature babies (my baby born with 37 weeks was happening) do not wake up alone to eat. Pediatricians recommend waking the baby every three hours to feed him, both day and night.

● Pretend to have an outline: forget about planning the day with a newborn at home. During the first weeks you can only plan to feed it every 3, or at most 4 hours. Do not subject the child to any routine, you just have to be aware of their needs and he will indicate the guideline himself.

● Take the baby to places with many people: although there are parents who like their child to learn to be sociable as soon as possible, leave it for later because they are still too small. They need not an absolute silence, but an atmosphere of tranquility in addition to their immune system may not be fully developed and there are many germs and bacteria swarming.

● Do not take the baby out of the house: what has been said above does not mean that you have to stay a month locked up at home with the baby. On the contrary, pediatricians recommend taking walks so that the baby receives sunlight (indirectly) and for the mother to disperse.

● Do not follow your instincts: the birth of a child is the typical situation in which everyone gives advice, which is welcome, but no one better than the mother with whom he has shared nine months of living together to perceive if something happens to him.

Video: The Most Common Mistakes Parents Make (July 2024).