Baby First TV: a channel for babies in Digital Plus

There is a great controversy about television and the age at which children approach it.

Some psychologists recommend not exposing children to television at least until two years of age and older children not to let them watch more than two hours a day, because among other things you can modify the pattern of childhood sleep.

The truth is that a couple of years ago it emerged in the United States a children's channel called Baby First TV which has been very successful among babies between 0 and 3 years old. It began broadcasting in several countries creating controversy as it passed over the age of the spectators to whom it was directed.

Now, the channel can be seen from the month of September in Spain through Digital Plus. During the 24 hours of the day it emits short programs, of between 2 and 10 minutes (the time that the little ones can pay attention to the screen) with contents that include from the language and the mathematics, to the sensory skill and the creative game.

It seems a different proposal because in addition to the programs designed by specialists activities are promoted for parents to do with their children and at night they emit relaxing music to facilitate the baby's sleep.

Another interesting feature is that the channel can be followed in Spanish, English or French. Very soon we can evaluate it ourselves.

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