Pregnancy after a kidney transplant

More and more women are venturing to being mothers after having a kidney transplantIn the past, specialists recommended that the pregnancy should wait at least two years after the intervention, although now the time has been reduced and conception can be sought from 6 to 12 months later.

The reason that specialists provide is that in this period of time there are no infections, the functioning of the kidney is optimal and the drugs that are administered are stable. Of course, we must bear in mind that everything must be carried out as expected, that is, that the transplant has been successful and a personalized follow-up should always be carried out in each woman, since the organism does not act in the same way in each case. The American Association of Nephrology has revealed during a meeting that they usually hold each year, that the risks are much more pronounced than in a pregnancy where there is no kidney transplant in the future mother. It is necessary to take precautions and carry out a more thorough follow-up of the entire pregnancy, the risk of organ rejection is greater, since changes in blood volume occur as a result of pregnancy.

There are many problems for mother and child, these can be overcome as long as the relevant studies and follow-ups are carried out. Being a mother after a transplant is somewhat more complicated, but there are many future moms who believe it is worth the risk and more with the new technologies and advances in the medical field that currently exist.

Video: Kidney Transplant. Antara's Story (July 2024).