Kiddle and its filters, what is safer on the internet for our children, censorship or education?

I do not know if you know Kiddle, it is an internet search engine and you see that it is intended to be a children's version of Google. It is aimed at children and young people and designed to navigate in a safe environment, but lately he has raised controversy over the filters he has put in his searches. And that is where the question arises: is this security or is censorship and censorship is safer than education for our children, when they are surfing the internet?

Have we seriously considered where the limit is? Perhaps we should reflect on whether or not it is forbidden to protect, because we all know that we cannot always be there to put a door to “his field,” as our children grow, but is censorship the way?

The same thing I am wrong but I believe that the instinct of protection arises at the same moment in which they cut the umbilical cord with our children. We are no longer physically linked but if we could, we would be trying to protect them all our lives. And sometimes this leads us to confuse protection with suffocation and the truth is that it is very difficult to stop in time

All this comes as a result of the latest controversy that I have read about and that is directly related to the Internet, the network of networks, a universe in which my children begin to want to move with the vertigo that this produces for me.

As I said before, we are talking about Kiddle that was put into operation in 2014 and as is often the case with everyone, everyone did not like it equally. As the creators acknowledge, he received many criticisms and complaints from parents and teachers because children could find terms such as "bisexual", "homosexual" and "lesbian." Kiddle decided to delete these terms then, along with others as "sex education" in pursuit of the safety of the imberbes users.

Now the complaint comes for the same thing but from the opposite side, LGBT activists such as the British group "Stonewall" points out that the fact of not being able to find terms like "homosexual", "lesbian" or "transgender" makes the boys and girls They perform these searches without success, they have to do it elsewhere with the danger of falling into inappropriate places that could even put them at risk.

Right now in Kiddle you can not find anything about singers like Jennifer Lopez or actresses like Pamela Anderson, although according to some, Kiddle is not infallible to leaks and on several occasions the results lead to portals that were not precisely designed for minors .

What is the limit?

When do we decide to release their hand when they start walking or in this case to sail?

We teach them to walk, to brush their teeth, to dress alone ... but we prefer to ban them before teaching them to surf the internet. Are we aware of this?

That a seeker, delete the term "education" followed by any adjective behind it shouldn't make us suspect that maybe that is not the way?

There are hundreds of proposals, ideas, suggestions and indications from different platforms, agencies, agencies and publications for us to take seriously what teach our children to surf the internet because what is undeniable is that they will do it and in fact every time they do it before, at ages when they are even more vulnerable.

Teach them how to use social networks and talk about the usefulness they can give each one and the privacy they can and should give to their publications.

Interact with them. Have you tried sending emails with your children? Why not open a profile in the same social network that he or she, together, to the face, with sincerity, without secrecy and taking the appropriate security measures for both and taking into account that both of us will be careful with what let's post from common sense, respect, logic, education. We have to apply the same requirements in 1.0 to life 2.0

We have to ask ourselves if by limiting their possibilities we help them or we would really do it if we educate them more and better, in this as in the rest of aspects of their newly released lives.

Video: Top 4 Safe Search Engines for Kids. Kiddle And Other Search Engines For Kids (July 2024).