Hyperactivity related to tobacco addiction

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is currently the most common neuropediatric pathology in children. Of course, the most important thing is the early diagnosis to start as soon as possible with an appropriate treatment.

One of the consequences related to this disorder is linked to tobacco addiction that hyperactive children of adults could present. More than to alarm, it is interesting for parents to put greater efforts to prevent it.

Previous research found that hyperactive children start smoking at younger ages, and now, according to a study by the Massachusetts General Hospital, hyperactive children are more likely to start smoking, and also tend to be more addicted to tobacco.

It seems clear that there is a relationship between hyperactivity and tobacco, even since pregnancy, as it has been shown that women who smoke during pregnancy have nine times the risk of having hyperactive children.

But there is also a relationship between the intensity of the disorder and the level of addiction, since researchers have also discovered that the lower the degree of the syndrome, the less nicotine-dependent they will be.

Video: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Smoking (July 2024).