Cardboard cradle to attach to the parents bed

Many times we have talked on the blog about colecho, that is, sleeping the baby or the child in the same bed of the parents. It is a somewhat controversial practice, since some practice it but do not admit it, others prevent it at all costs, while others see it as natural. There is something for everyone, and of course, the decision is very personal.

An option for those who, for safety or convenience, do not want to sleep with the baby in the same bed but want to have it very close, is to place a cot attached to the parents bed. It seems a continuation of the mattress itself but the baby remains in its own space and at the same time is very comfortable because the mother does not have to get out of bed to feed the baby at night.

I have found an ecological cot for colecho that joins the mattress by means of two tapes. It is very original because it is made of recycled and recyclable resistant cardboard and is evolutionary. That is to say that when the baby no longer uses the crib it can be converted into a sofa or a desk to decorate the children's room. It supports up to 50 kilos of weight, is light, foldable and easy to transport in case we want to take it on a trip.

It costs 435 euros. At first impression it does not seem economical, but let's think that we will then use it and that the price includes hand-made mattress, two sets of safety sheets and a blanket, all of organic cotton, grown without pesticides and treated without chemicals.

Video: Cardboard baby boxes could allow safe sleep for babies (July 2024).