My "survival kit"

When you have a baby you end up realizing that even going outside can be very complicated, especially if you have to prepare everything you need each time. Always have a basic "survival kit" It can help you a lot. If everything is prepared in advance, you will only have to put it in your bag and not start thinking and picking up the things that you may need.

We usually have a large bag with changing table but it is not always practical to carry with it. That is why small "kits" with the most essential can save us from more than a hurry and above all from getting into and taking things out. When we have finally managed to take a shower and have the child eaten and changed around the house looking for diapers and wipes can dislodge us, the child in the stroller start crying bored and we despair if we do not find something.

For me the ideal bags to have these essential supplies prepared were those of cotton fabric which usually come with good shoes and washing nuts, but you have them of many types and origins. They are washable, small and flexible, and have the ideal size. I used to have four or five prepared in a receiver's drawer and I never needed to leave. I also had one in the car always ready.

Inside my bag with the "survival kit" He put a pair of diapers, wipes, a pair of plastic bags, a hand wipe and samples of delicate soap. When the child had to be changed, he had everything he needed wherever he was even if we had to face one of those giant poops that leave everything smeared. With the soap and the towel I could clean it well, if I needed to always go to the wipes with chemicals, and in the way avoided irritations. He also used to wear a spare body, for when the diaper came out and stained the clothes.

Troubled with my basic "kit" I could face the biggest little dog in the world without fear and not have to stop the ride, returning home triumphant and with a clean and happy baby.

When the boy started to walk, he also added some canvas shoes, old pants and socks. With that I no longer worried that he could get into the mud or fall into a puddle. In a second he changed his clothes and we could continue, not very elegant, perhaps, but dry and clean, which in the background matters most.

Prepare these bags in advance with your own "survival kit" It will save you more than an early return and enough tantrums to your son.

Video: Saweetie - My Type Official Video (July 2024).