Should I sign up my child for extracurricular activities?

If your kids have already started the school year, surely you are facing one of the most frequent dilemmas After finishing school holidays: should I point my child to After-school activities after school? Here are some guidelines to help you decide and small tips for the little ones to also enjoy in those little moments of extracurricular activities choosing those that they may like the most.

Extracurriculars yes, in their right measure

With the start of the school year, many families have to juggle for reconcile work and family life. In order to organize a little better and take care of children's evenings, or even weekends, many parents consider resort to extracurricular classes.

Extracurriculars can be very beneficial for children if they are properly raised and right on, taking into account your needs. It is important, first of all, to be aware that, after the long school day, children often bring homework to do. In this way, the study schedule is quite long and exhausting, so it is not advisable to saturate them Too much or overload the rest of the day.

Children must, above all, play and have fun, being really healthy for them to have free time. Therefore, they should not have more than one or two extracurriculars, trying not occupy more than three afternoons a week. The rest of the time, which is not much, they can go to the park, by bike, meet friends or play at home.

How to choose

English, football, swimming, music, computers, dance ... There are many options to choose from, but how to do it? The main thing is that you opt for something that motivates the little one. If you decide on your own to enroll him in a class without consulting him, you run the risk of going mid-course to resist going. The best is ask what you would like to do and choose together, also depending on the family agenda and budget.

It is possible that what a priori may be a good option for him, is very boring to try. Nothing happens, it's normal and even advisable to try different activities, but it is convenient to finish the course so as not to get used to leaving things halfway and to acquire the habit of commitment and responsibility. If this year you decide that music is not your thing, maybe next year you can try ballet or basketball.

If you don't have clear ideas, you can guide you So you can do some activity that benefits you. He english or music they are some of the most demanded activities, but the ideal is that the extracurricular class combine the intellectual activity with physics, trying to make the game the basis for children to have fun while they learn.

The sport activities they are also very appropriate since the indices of childhood obesity in our country they are increasingly alarming. If children spend long hours in the classroom, it is logical to think that what is best for them when they finish classes is to do some sport and not a sedentary activity.

Planning is important.

Although pointing your children to extracurricular activities may seem like the perfect solution to organize yourself better and have more time, the reality is that you should also make an effort to synchronize the weekly family calendar, especially if you have more children. At least the first days of the course it is interesting that you write down in detail the schedules and peculiarities of each activity extracurricular. If you also print it and place it in a visible place you will make the whole family participate in the family agenda.

When returning home it is highly recommended wash dirty or wet clothes by treating it with a specific product, such as Neutrex with bleach for white clothes or Neutrex Oxy Color, for colored garments. If you come from the pool or carry towels in the sports bag, you should remove the wet material as soon as possible and lay it out. In this way, you will prevent them from starting to smell of moisture, a sign that bacteria and fungi are forming.

Using Neutrex with bleach for linen will get a radiant white in addition to removing difficult stains, such as grass or mud. This will also be essential in the cleaning of other types of garments, such as bibs or gowns, if they make crafts or plastic arts workshops.

As you see the perfect extracurricular activity does not existIt all depends on your needs and those of your children, which are mainly learning by playing and doing physical activity throughout the week. Whatever you do, you will always find ways to organize your best and that the new routines do not exceed you or put you in an excessive workload at home.

Photos | iStock: SerrNovik / Tetyana Rusanova / Solovyova / karelnoppe

Video: Children and After School Activities - Child Growth (July 2024).