How to practice colecho in the safest way

Is there anything more tender than seeing a baby peacefully asleep? Surely you spend hours and hours looking rapt at your little one while resting deeply at your side, where you can feel your delicious smell and your breath And he feels your warmth.

Share the bed with your baby, what is known as colecho, is an option for some parents and for others no. While there are some risk factors, it can be done safely by taking precautions.

Colecho, an option with great benefits

If you are considering colecho and you have not yet decided, know that this practice has undoubted benefits for you and your offspring.

-He body contact It feels gratifying and improves the regulation of the baby's body temperature.

- Breastfeeding is more practical and simple during the night. In addition to greater comfort to breastfeed, Breastfeeding also helps establish natural breastfeeding and maintain milk production.

-The babies they sleep longer, because when they wake up they have their mother next to breastfeed them or their dad to calm them down before they fully wake up. As they sleep more, the parents too.

-It's wonderful to wake up next to your little one!

As you can see, there are many reasons to practice colecho. If we do it properly and avoiding risk factors; As the baby is underweight, we are very tired or the surface is too soft, we can enjoy all its benefits.

On the other hand, a factor to consider is that the Spanish Association of Pediatrics (AEP) warns that the colecho is related to the sudden death of the infant and recommends instead that we sleep in the same room as the baby, with a separate crib or attached to our bed.

A cot for your baby to feel you close

"The safest way to sleep for infants under six months is in his crib, face up near the bed from his parents. There is scientific evidence that this practice decreases the risk of sudden infant death syndrome by more than 50%, "recommends the AEP.

For parents who want to follow this recommendation or those who prefer one day not to sleep with the baby, the alternative is to use a cot that will last up to 6 months, such as the Chicco Next to me model.

This cradle fits securely to the bed of the parents and it is like a small extension of yours. It allows you to sleep very close but each one in his space, he is safe from suffocation and crushing and you are calm because you know that this will not happen.

These types of cribs for the first months of life are not only the best solution to sleep with your baby without risks, they are also super practices for the day: They incorporate some wheels, which do not move if they are fixed with safety stops, to be able to take the baby everywhere, wherever you are, to the kitchen, the living room ... And now on vacation, they fold to take them on a trip without problem, as you can see in this explanatory video:

We have told you the advantages of colecho and in which cases it is not recommended, now it is up to you Decide where the baby sleeps by mutual agreement. Which one do you lean more for?

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